We were at World InterPride Conference in Medellin, Colombia. One night the hosts arraigned a night tour of the beautiful City. At the end of the night the fun Drag Queen host asked if the group would like to stop at a Gay Bar. Of course, the answer was YES! The club was located in the entertainment district. It was an open-air club with very beautiful artworks and packed with fun people. They had us all seated at small cocktail tables before the show. Then to our surprise, the Drag Queen Host was ours from the bus. She asked if there were any Queer Men in the House? YAAAAA Are there any Queen Lesbians in the House? YAAAA Then says “We have 2 senior citizens in the house! YAAAA In Medellin we love old people!!! They then turn the spot light on us. I just leaned over and asked my friend “how do you say B*tch in Spanish?” LMAO All is good. I bet they were wish that when they are our age, they too will be out at a club at 1AM. La Perra (Spanish for B*tch)