Janet Reno Died this past Monday November 7, 2016. Janet served as the Attorney General of the United States from 1997 to 2001. In 2002 Janet ran for Governor of Florida. She was famous from driving her red pickup truck across Florida. Now here is our Janet Reno Story. Every February the SunCoast Resort (at the time the largest LGBT resort in America) would host a push pull walking parade thru the courtyard. The photo below was of our group and Mark walking on stilts. At the end of the parade Mark noticed a red pickup truck. Then on stilts walked up to a lady and said…… “You look just like Janet Reno.” She said “That’s because I am Janet Reno.” Mark told her that he was a fan of her. Janet said “Well then that makes you my tallest fan ever!” That summer every time there was a red pickup truck in the parking lot people would say “Is Janet Reno here?” Do you know how many Lesbians were driving red pickup truck in 2002? LMAO