You Can Not make this Up.

There are so many crazy things that have happened at The SunCoast Resort. The soda lines in the TiKi bar were cut one day. Later that week they were cut again. Owner Lester Wolf was very upset and had cameras installed. To everybody surprise the bad guys were not guys at all… They were squirrels chewing the lines. Lester was very upset and grabbed his riffle. Looking like Elmer Fudd he was hunting squirrels  in the courtyard. The management went crazy and took his gun away. Lester returned with a squirrel cage to trap the animals.  With a big smile while pounding his chest Lester returned with a caught squirrel. When asked what he was going to do with it he said “I’m going to toss the cage into the pool, OFCOURSE!!!” One of the employees over heard this and release the poor squirrel!!! Lester returned the next day and caught another squirrel. When asked what he was going to do with it today, Lester said “I’m taking it to a nice park and release it.”  With that he put the cage into his Rolls Royce and drove off. I guess we will never know if the squirrel every made it to the “Nice Park?”
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