WTF – Rick Perry???

WTF – Rick Perry???
I am So Very Proud of my fellow Americans!!! As of today 3,222,763 people have viewed this. 10,806 like  &
441,247 hit DISLIKE  America has Spoken!!! There is no place for discrimination in our country.

Romney Grilled on Gay Marriage by Gay NH Veteran
When GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney sat down next to a patron wearing a Vietnam veteran’s cap, Romney wanted to ask him about his military service. But 63-year-old Bob Garon wanted to talk about gays in the military — because he is a gay veteran. Garon was sitting in a booth across from his husband, Bob Lemire, at Chez Vachon, a must-stop diner for politicians looking for votes in the New Hampshire primary. Garon and Lemire eat there nearly every morning. The owners call them “The Bobs.”
Will Gingrich Lead the Pack?
Trying to play safe and stick to the GOP rightest, Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich says he supports the ban on same sex marriage to a conservative Iowa group.  He would support a national constitutional amendment banning same sex marriages! Of course this isn’t being bigoted. Questionable because of his change of position a few years ago on equality and gay rights issues. Gingrich’s gay half sister says she supports President Barack Obama.