You Just Can Not Make This Up

Every December we remember and laugh about this. We had an employee at MC Film, in Ybor City, that was…. Should we say was “All Kinds of Special”, in a fun way. One holiday she came to her part time job and announced that she was all done with her gift shopping.  She had got her Mom & Dad a washer and dryer, her brother a new gaming system, and her sister a new TV.  WOW we asked if she had won a scratch off or something. With a big …” I’m so proud of myself smile” … she announced “No I went to rental store and got the first week for just $1.00 each. Now they are on their own to make the payments. LMAO This reminds us of an old family saying. Never tell anyone your problems. 95% of the people are glad you have the problem and not them. The other 5% are your family. Wonder what her family thought about the rental payments. LMAO