Opening Night Reception

The Welcome & Scholarship Reception was at the Residence of the Netherlands Ambassador. Our group of 600+ all meet in the hotel lobby. Our hosts came out and announced it was a short 10 minute walk to the residence. Following them out of the Hilton to the park across the street. Thru the park and out on the other side we noticed that the streets were closed and police going up and down. Hummm… then we all saw there was a protest going on! OMG We walked past some of the protesters and turned to our left. There right in front of us was a wall of riot police lined up with shields out. Wonder what the police thought??? A large group of LGBT+ people dressed up with convention badges? LOL The host went up to the police and started to talk. All of a sudden 2 police moved and lets us pass. Behind the police line were 100’s of police, those small police motor scooters, horses and busses. I guess they were protecting embassy row.  A couple more blocks and there with a rainbow flag flying was the Embassy residence. At the front door to greet us was the Princess of the Royal Family.  Wonder if she ever had that many Queens in her home at one time? LOL She was quite beautiful and gave a warm welcoming speech. What a night to remember.