You Just Can Not Make THIS Up

Below is a link to the Tampa Bay Times article on 6-19-19 about our Rainbow Pool table.  Its is just one of the many items in our online auction starting tomorrow.  The table was in the original Gay Bar The  Knotty Pine in the 1940’s and was in many more gay clubs after. We purchased the table from the KIKIKI III in the 1990’s. We had to wait late until the manager was there to pay for the table. It was sometime after midnight.  Quickly we realized that it would not fit into our van.  Since we lived 2 blocks away we had an idea…. Back into the bar we offered FREE Beer to anyone who would help us move the table.  About 12 of us picked the table up and were ½ across Kennedy Blvd when here came a fire truck. Blowing its horns!!! We made it across the street and had just turned north on Albany Ave. 3 Police cars came flying up and stopped. One in front, one on the side and one behind us. The cute cop spoke into his radio… “Just pulled over a pool table going north bound on Albany Ave.”  One of our friends who is a famous architect started to laugh. The officer got into his face and said “Do you Think this is funny??? He said YES!!!  The officer asked where did we steal the table from. We explained the whole story and showed him our receipt. He then asked where are we going? We said about 60 ft straight up then down the alley 50 ft. With that the officer put on his blue lights and escorted us to our carport. We put the table in place closed the door and all started to laugh. Well… all but the 3 guys who had violations of probations!!! The stories this table could tell!  LMAO