Dishing with Mark n Carrie 4-12-19 Tampa makes the Top 10


Tampa makes the Top 10 Places for LGBTQ Seniors to live in America


My name is Lori Thomas and I am the media director for, a leading online publication and advocacy site for seniors and their caregivers.

We have just released our 2019 report on the most LGBTQ-friendly cities for retirement and Tampa was among the winners.  Also, we have cited Tampa Pride in this piece for your outstanding contributions to the senior LGBTQ community and I personally wanted to reach out and say thank you.  Please feel free to share the article with your readership or on your social media channels.

Top 20 Cities for LGBTQ Retirement in 2019:

Highlights Infographic:

Full Press Release:


Happy Birthday April & Esme

From DJ Mike Sklarz….  Some great things starting this Saturday at Tequilas!!

If you’ve been on the patio during the weekend, y’all know the TVs that are just there…well, starting this Saturday and Sunday going forward, you’ll now be able to watch the remix music videos that I play during the weekend.

Sunday…. come out for an incredible drag show with Joey Brooks, Shawn Davis Berger (Shontell Sparkles) and the birthday girls Esme Russell and April Cooper.

With the success of Tampa Pride, and the closing T-Dance… Come celebrate our sexy bartender April Cooper birthday as we kick off our weekly T-Dance every Sunday following the show… all your favorite high energy music from every decade all afternoon (with video)! AND COMING SOON……80s T-Dance….

CLICK HERE to See DJ Mike in ACTION!!!

This Sunday

It was Italian Heritage Weekend

The Annual Italian Heritage Festival in Ybor City had Boceball contests, vendors, freshly baked Italian cookies, sausage and meatball sandwiches in Centennial Park last weekend. A celebration of ethnicity, culture, music, and of course great food & wine.

The event changed its past festivals with a smaller more compact festival. Still the crowds came and indulged in the Italian weekend festivities

Tampa’s Great Mayoral Race; Castor or Straz

ballot voting vote box politics choice election

It is that time again to VOTE and this is a right not to ignore. The new Tampa Mayor will be elected.Yes, all the write ins for current Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn will not be valid!. Mayor Bob is termed out. Election is April 23rd.

Mail out election ballots have been mailed out. Early voting starts April 15th- 23rd.

Make your VOICE count. VOTE!

Rapper DMX

After is concert at The Ritz in Ybor City, Rapper DMX shoot pool at the Reservoir Bar across the street.  The crowd love it! Read all about it in Creative Loafing here.


45th Annual HCC Juried Student Art Exhibit

What You May Not See Anymore

The world is changing and so are the items you may have grown up with A few items that are slowly dissolving in our culture.

1) Public Payphones

2) Regular house phones

3) DVD Movies & CD Music

4) Film processing

5) Paper Travel maps

6) Daily Newspapers

7) Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

8) Clear & Blue Pepsi

9) Free standing TV Sets and TV Trays

10) Sears, K Mart, Radio Shack, Borders Books retail stores


Coming to The Castle


The Secret History of The Castle: From Radical Politics to Goth Dance Club HERE for THE SECRETS-labor-temple-to-castle-secret.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR0x9tF4_DWQknl6vlksbcvRkiTcxc4QKT_rRic3UeuuAl-90uhoHW7mZrM



Dana Pronounced Dan-Uh Jones

A sad good bye to Dana this week. After a long illness she passed away in Ybor City with her husband Paul at her side.  Dana will be missed by many.

From the Mark & Carrie News Bag…

You Just Can Not Make This Up

The Suncoast Resort was the Worlds largest LGBT Resort & Complex. On the 1st floor were 30+ shops. We had our MC Film Fest Store there from day 1 to the day they closed. One Easter the merchants came together and purchased 1,000’s of Easter Eggs. The idea was to fill them with discounts, beads and promotional items for the stores. We gave a box of eggs to the Suncoast resort too.  The management though the idea was stupid. The managers went to the volley ball court and filled each egg with sand and taped them. All the eggs were put into a huge box and mixed up.  That night the Easter Bunny went throughout the complex passing out 1,000s of eggs. To the surprise and alarm to the resort, people actually opened the eggs to see what was inside. Their mean trick backfired and there was sand everywhere!! On top of the bars, on the dance floor, in room carpets & EVERYWHERE LMAO the joke was on them. You just cannot make this up!!!!