You Just Can Not Make This up

Sometimes is think we should change this to “Straight Friends Say the Craziest Things!”  We have a good lady friend, Mary, who shared this story with us. In today’s business world there are large conference calls.  Our friend was on one of these calls with about 50 people. The American group was meeting a new office group in Prague, Czech Republic.  A guy introduced himself as Pavel. The American team leader said “Hello Paul”. He replied back “no my name is Pavel.”  After several times going back and forth our friend Mary interrupted and said… His name is NOT Paul it is Pavel. Just like the Big Gay Porn Star Pavel Novotny!!!”  The call went silent. Mary started to receive messages from Prague… OMG Right on Girl, You speak Czech… etc. Then the American group leader said “Mary, How do you know Gay Porn Stars?” Because my Gay friends named their cats after him. One is Pavel and the other Novotny. The conference call broke into laughter.  You Just Can Not make This Up    We bet your all Goggling him right now LMAO