You Just Can Not Make This Up

Growing up as kid we would visit our Great-Grandmothers home. We all thought it was a castle. It was a large old Victorian home. Main stairs and back stairways. The 3rd floor was the ballroom the attic was the storage rooms. There were balconies everywhere. The basement even had a sub-basement that was the root cellar. Our Great Aunt also lived there with her husband. She was quite the hoot!!! She would always say to us kids…” If there is ever a fire do not run up stairs or down to the basement. Run out side to the big tree in the back yard. If you are running out the front door please take your aunts favorite vase, next to the front door with you.”  Then she would show us the vase with plastic flowers in it.  Years after our Great Grand Mother and Great Aunt had passed, I was telling my Mom the strange story about the vase. Mom started to laugh and said my Aunt would hid extra cash and more important than cash to her, extra cigarettes in that vase. At her funeral they thought about putting the vase in her coffin.  My Dad said “NO” then slipped in a full pack of cigarettes (Lucky Strikes no filters) and a pack of matches. LMAO