Big Changes

Nuccio Parkway is undergoing some very big changes. We talked with 3 different government agencies and got 3 different answers. The one we most believe is that Nuccio will be going from 4 lanes to 2 lanes with the addition of bike lanes. We were also told there will still be plenty of room for the floats to line up. Strangely there never was a sidewalk on the east side from the train station to Ybor City. Former Tampa Mayor Dick Grece told us that he built Nuicci Pwy as a gift to Ybor City and a place to line up the parades. So far, many trees have been removed. It will be interesting to see what comes next.
Bradley’s on 7th

Bradley’s on 7th is extremely pleased to announce Amy DeMilo as our new Show Director!
Dance Floors have been reopened by Hillsborough County,
therefore, shows and contest will return to Bradley’s on 7th
on our 10th Anniversary, Thursday March 4, 2021!
Metro Inclusive Health

From Trevor…
I am elated to announce my appointment to the City of Tampa’s Human Rights Board by Mayor Jane Castor.
Although I do not see eye-to-eye with her on a lot of issues, I am honored to be trusted with this seat and to be afforded this opportunity. I most certainly appreciate a leader who welcomes views that differ from their own. I will be joining existing members of this board with a fresh, unique perspective that will play a paramount role in my decisions on this quasi-judicial body.
Tampa’s Human Rights Ordinance was written with the intention that ALL members of our city be protected against discrimination – and I can promise you that is the focus of this board.
In case you are not familiar with what our Human Rights Board does, I have included the link for it below. If you have any questions/suggestions or want to know how you can get more involved in your community, feel free to reach out. My inbox is always open for conversation!…/human-rights-board
Welcome Home

Streetcar #428 is the first car to return from Iowa with a full refurbishment, including new roof repair, A/C, wiring, floor, etc. The car is expected to return to service following two weeks of testing.
SUNday FUNday @ The Showbar Ybor City

Click Here For All The FUN Photos.
Netflix – Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel
Looking for an interesting film? We recommend this. It is only 4 episodes long and you will probably watch them all right away. The interesting part is that it is based on real events. After you watch this series you will want to Google for more. Enjoy…..
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Ruben Sun Construction

Some thing are just so good that they need to be said again. We used Ruben Lopez and his crews for many projects on our home. Very big and small. We have referred him to many our friends. They have all said the same thing. Fair prices and great work. Give him a chance to bid on your next project. 813 357-4342
Obituary – Stageworks Theatre Founder Anna Brennen