When you live in a 100+ year old home, the unusual becomes the normal. This past Tuesday afternoon our doorbell rang. There were 2 gay guys in their upper 50’s who we didn’t know. They told us that they lived here 29 years ago and now live in Atlanta. Over the next 2 hours they told us many paranormal stories about our home. The guys moved after 6 months and this was their 1st time back. At the end of our visit they said that the spirits must like us because the heavy feeling was gone. The final story was. There was an old guy that lived across the street. All day and night he would sit on the porch rocking, drinking coffee and watching our home. They would wave and he would wave back. The guys started to move out. For the first time the old guy got up and walked over to the guys. He asked in a heavy Southern accent, “Are you young-ns moving out? “They said yes. Then he said “That is a good thing. This will be the last time you will see me.” The guys smiled and said they were coming back tomorrow to finish move. The old guy again said “THIS WILL BE THE LAST TIME YOU SEE ME.” The next day there were 4 cars parked in front of his home. A lady walked over. She said I know you are the neighbors and I though you should know….. My Dad pasted away last night.