The Spring Tampa Bay
Hello Tampa Bay,
My name is Kayden Rodriguez and I am a local transgender individual who works for The Spring of Tampa Bay, Hillsborough County’s domestic violence center.
As part of Pride Month and in addition to our LGBTQ+ inclusion initiatives, we are will be hosting two Domestic Violence 101 webinars in the context of LGBTQ+ Relationships. These are scheduled for June 18th @10AM as well as June 26th @1PM. The same content will be covered for each webinar. This information runs through the breakdown of what domestic violence looks like in LGBTQ+ relationships, as well as local support services that The Spring offers.
We are aware that violence does not discriminate, and that LGBTQ+ individuals need just as much assistance with domestic violence services as our cisgender, heterosexual counterparts. We were wondering if Tampa Pride would be willing to help with marketing these online events? I was thinking a co-host of the two following linked Facebook events (expect 2 co-host invites to the Tampa Pride FB shortly if the page does not already have it), as well as a direct shout out or two? We will also have posts on Instagram at @thespringtb. It would be incredible if Tampa Pride was able to help expand the reach of such important information to the residents of Tampa Bay. We would also love to explore more collaboration initiatives moving forward after we get through COVID-19.
Here is a Facebook link to the 6/18 webinar at 10AM:
And a link to the 6/26 @1PM:
And finally, the correlating Zoom information. This link will work for BOTH webinars.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 977 8037 3903
Meeting ID: 977 8037 3903
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acebzuOn6
Thank you so much for all you do,
Kayden Rodriguez
(he/him or they/them)
Prevention Team Advocate
P.O. Box 5147, Tampa, FL 33675
O: 813.247.5433 ext. 236
C: 813.785.3573
F: 813.250.0284
The Spring www.thespring.org