Over the last few years in in organizations and companies, especial in the LGBT+ Community, when introducing after your name people are stating their pronouns. He/Him/His & She/Her/Hers & They/Them/Their. This is taking us some time to get used to. But if it makes a person feel more comfortable & welcomed then we are OK with this. At InterPride everything is very inclusive. I do feel that they take it a little bit to far. In the host hotel & all events they cover up the men’s & woman’s restroom signs and replace with W/C. So the restroom are all totally unisex. For a guy who is a little pee shy, well maybe a lot in a traditional men’s room, you can just imagine what it is like to hear a woman’s voice behind and next to you at the urinals. Boy do girls love to talk in the bathrooms! LMAO