You Just Can Not Make This Up

OK I am going to age myself just a little. I met and stared dating Carrie in 1978. It was a time before internet and cell phones. Many guys all carried a small black address book called “Little Black Book.” When you meet someone, you would write down NAME & phone number in this book. If not in this book we would write it down on the back of a matchbook. Many clubs would also give out business cards. These cards would say met at…. Etc. In these books we always wrote in pencil.  So….. One day I came across Carrie’s Little Black Book.  Hum…. There were guys with stars next to their names. That naughty Carrie was rating how much he liked these guys. I just pulled out a pencil eraser then erased all their stars!!!  Then erased my name and re wrote it back in ink with 5 stars!!!! Must have worked 40+ years later I’M STILL 5 STARS!!!! Poor Carrie LMAO