You Just Can Not Make This Up.

Tea Cup was having dinner on the sidewalk in front to Tequila’s, with a favorite straight married couple. Sitting next to us were 2 older ladies. Both had way too much makeup on and were wearing their favorite party clothes from 20 years ago. The one lean over to me and said “You two make a nice couple. How long have you been married? ”LMAO I said laughing “OH NO I’m her boy toy! He is the husband!!!”  She gave us a strange look, then we all laughed. The next day the 2 women came back to Tequila’s where I was bartending.  The ladies ordered there cocktails then the one reached over and grabbed my hand. With a big smile she said that she is in town until Wednesday. Then in broken English said “I take you to dinner tomorrow and after we will have some fun together.”  I quickly made an excuse not to go and thanked her. When the ladies were leaving she gave me $40 for their $38.00 tab and told me to keep the change. Then Hands me a folded napkin with a note and WINKS to me. LMAO LMAO Here is what the napkin said. I blocked out her phone number LMAO