You Just Can Not Make This Up

The Suncoast Resort was the Worlds largest LGBT Resort & Complex. On the 1st floor were 30+ shops. We had our MC Film Fest Store there from day 1 to the day they closed. One Easter the merchants came together and purchased 1,000’s of Easter Eggs. The idea was to fill them with discounts, beads and promotional items for the stores. We gave a box of eggs to the Suncoast resort too.  The management though the idea was stupid. The managers went to the volley ball court and filled each egg with sand and taped them. All the eggs were put into a huge box and mixed up.  That night the Easter Bunny went throughout the complex passing out 1,000s of eggs. To the surprise and alarm to the resort, people actually opened the eggs to see what was inside. Their mean trick backfired and there was sand everywhere!! On top of the bars, on the dance floor, in room carpets & EVERYWHERE LMAO the joke was on them. You just cannot make this up!!!!