WORLD AIDS DAY Dec 1, 2017
SPECIAL: Cuba and Ybor City
Explain Cuba to Us
Several years ago we asked a friend of ours, who had left Cuba at 5 years old, “Please explain to us what the Cuba mess is all about?” Here is what he told us by his family version.
It all started back when the USA had prohibition law and ban on alcohol in the 1920’s. America and Cuba’s government were very close. The American mobsters-crime family’s, took advantage and went to Cuba to make alcohol or secure alcohol for illegal shipping back into the US. The government was very corrupt at the time and money could buy anything. The crime family’s (modern day pirates) made huge money and unbelievable profits. They re-invested some back into Cuba’s economy and bought land, built hotels, Casinos, took over prostitution rings and started to deal drugs. It was out of control.
Fidel Castro in the late 1950’s lead the peoples fight against the radical corrupt government leadership and incubators safety nets of mob family’s and over threw the unscrupulous government. Both America and Russia helped Fidel. Fidel was known to have flown to Tampa a number of times and landed his plane at Davis Island’s airport and had meetings of local supporters in Tampa & Ybor City which our friend knew. It is also told and was alleged that US Attorney General Bobby Kennedy arranged for supplies to be sent to Cuba in return for one major American crime boss.
When that boss landed in Tampa early 1960’s at the airport he was released on a technicality. Russia had already gotten to Fidel and were supporting Cuba’s revolution with billions of dollars in aid. Fidel started out as a democratic leader but became a hard core communist and ruled as a dictator on the southern island.
When the Russian economy collapsed so did the aid to Cuba. Life became unbearable in Cuba. Fidel emptied out his prisons and asylums with the Mariel Boatlift in April 15 to October 31st in 1980. 125,000+ Cuban left Cuba that year. Fidel then OK’d the use of the US dollars in Cuba. The dislocated people who left now poured billions back to their families. Our friend went on to say… So basically it was good for the Cuban people to get rid of the crime ridded government leaders and mob family operatives. Cleaning out the jails and mental hospitals and having them now at the expense of the US government!
What came next in Cuba turned very bad. Beatings, mass executions, imprisonment for dissenters, protesters & college professors rounded up and country wide starvation.
America was both good and bad for Cuba.
Fidel Castro’s Love of Ybor City.
At the passing this week of the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro at age 90. Fidel had a hatred to America but had a deep love for Tampa. As late as the early 1960’s Fidel would fly his small plane under the radar to The Davis Island (downtown Tampa) airport to visit his friends. Tampa to Havana is only 331 air miles and the flight would take about 90 minutes.
There was one very special building in Ybor City that Fidel had a passion for. It was the Hotel El Pasaje (Cherokee Club) located on the Republica de Cuba Ave (14th ST) and 8th Ave. Fidel said that was the one thing he would miss most about Ybor. A few years later he had the exact copy of the hotel built in Havana. Located behind El Pasaje is the Cuban Club. If you were to stand on the front steps of the Cuban Club and face the sun rising, drop your right hand down and point to the El Pasaje Hotel. That was the Official Cuban Embassy. In the early 1960’s it was set on fire.
Today when you look at the building you can see the new bricks that re built the burned out section. On a newer fun note in the 1990’s a Famous Lesbian Bar The Cherokee Club opened on the second floor. There is also a secret garden in the center of the building. It hosted many lesbian weddings there.
Today the building is an office building.
The Hotel Havana
The larger shell of a building located on the corner of 7th Ave & 15th in Ybor City originally was called the Havana Hotel. It was here that Teddy Roosevelt & the Rough Riders staged the 1898 Spanish American War invasion in Cuba. Next the building became the home of Las Novedades Restaurant. In the late 1970’s it was the El Goya. A world class Gay Bar. https://myspace.com/elgoyashowbar/photos .
It then became Tampa’s biggest gay venue –Tracks, then Pleasure Dome and recently closed Czar.
Today the building is a shell awaiting re-development.
Go to Cuba Today
In Cuba Jose Marti is as famous as President Abraham Lincoln is in American. He was the great liberator of Cuban. In Ybor City on 8th Ave & 13th street is the Jose Marti Park. This is a very special park.
In an act of congress the land the park sits on was given back to the people of Cuban. When you enter the park you are walking on Cuban soil! The park is about 50ft wide & 100 FT deep. It is along the TECO streetcar line. There is a statute to Jose Marti here and also one in front of the Cuban Club. Now notice how many things in Cuba are named after Jose Marti like the international airport and sports arenas.
Jose Marti
Tunnels of Ybor
During the US Prohibition Years Tunnels were dug under the street of Ybor to transport alcohol. This alcohol was produced in Cuba and other islands and brought to Tampa on the banana boats. Some of the tunnels lead to cigar warehouses. Here the alcohol was packed into coffins and transported.
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TAMPA PRIDE Art Festival at HCC Ybor

DJ CK is in TOWN!!!!
SATURDAY DEC 3RD: The Mix at Liquid Tampa Presents – DjCK
You’ll recognize this international DJ from places like Tel Aviv , Provincetown, LIMELIGHT plus local venues like The Ritz Ybor, the Tampa Equality Gala and EL Gancho Tampa with DJ Abel! Come check him out spinning the hottest dance music LIVE on the Liquid stage Saturday December 3rd ALL NIGHT from 9pm ‘til 3am. Early evening drink specials plus Happy Hour from 2pm ‘til 9pm with 50% OFF All Drinks for your pre-party and then stay all night to party with us and DjCK at Liquid ‘til 3am! We’ll see you there 😉
Happy 10 Year Anniversary- The Crowbar
Tampa in 60 Seconds
This is why we all LOVE Tampa so much!!!
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