From the MC Film Mail Bag

Want to Help?  2014 All Hallows Ball …How to help
Now that all the invitations have been mailed many of you have been writing in and asking how you can help ensure the success and continuation of the party. There are two specific ways you can help this year:
  • Help build decorations:
    Your hosts are planning another spectacular party for you again this year. There are many decorations that have been designed to transform MOSI into our Dystopia! Your hosts will be busy on multiple weekends between now and the night of the party cutting, painting and assembling all the goodies. If you’re interested in volunteering to assist with the painting and assembly, you may sign up to do so by completing the volunteer form by Clicking Here.
  • Help the night of the party:
    No costume? Then become a staff volunteer!  Volunteers are needed the night of the party to help direct guests, ensure the stairways are kept clear, check tickets and assist with general crowd control. Shifts will be approximately 1.5 hours each. You will be provided with an official “All Hallows Masquerade Ball Volunteer” T-shirt which is yours to keep and wear the entire night of the party. Everyone will know that YOU helped out!  If you think that you may enjoy helping in this capacity then Click Here! Some of your hosts were volunteers at first! Please respond no later than October 15th. But why not do it right now?!?

That’s all for now. More to come soon…
