Historic Holiday Spirit in Ybor City "Art in the Park"

What do people polled remember and think about in Ybor City? Art shows. Well a juried “2nd Annual Art in The Park” by the Tampa Park’s & Recreation Dept. took place in Centennial Park with hundred artists all competing for the big prize money. It coincided with the weekly Saturday produce and crafts market. Huge crowds came to see and purchase art items in every demeanor in the more like sunny fall day.
” A great time to be outside and enjoy the Ybor festivities” said Ybor Saturday Market manager, Lynn Schultz. The art show was a big draw along with the 25 cent TECO Streetcar rides. Virginia Johnson,a newscaster reporter and hosts, ” Out On the Town” on Bay News 9, MC’d  the outside stage entertainment all afternoon. Yes, even Santa Claus came to Ybor City by the historic streetcar.
The month long planned Historic Holiday Spirit in Historic Ybor City continues on with more upcoming festive events for the whole family. Coming this Saturday is a real blizzard. A “Snow Storm on 7th Ave” in Ybor? Yes, a simulated snowstorm will be occurring all along 7th Ave between 15th and 17th Streets at 8-10pm.. TV Newscasters and weathermen  are coming to cover the freak weather occurrence.  Don’t forget about Santa pictures near the lit Christmas Tree in Centro Ybor.